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​Alexanor is an artist, passionate about design and contemporary art.

She began with sculpture, and then turned towards the creation of digital and interactive installations, such as "Body Print" and "Mood Panel" exhibited at “Maison A" in Paris.

When creating, Alexanor plays on two levels, a "technical and an "aesthetic" level which together convert the action of a person or group into an artistic expression governed by Alexanor own aesthetic codes. Her artworks strive to represent the sensory mechanisms of our contemporary world, whether biological, ecological, technological or economic, as seen by herself in action living in Asia and London and working in a particularly agitated environment of international finance.

In her artwork, Alexanor chose to discuss the self-cumulative and exponential processes at work today in our increasingly interconnected world. Her installation "ExpansionS", exhibited at Futur en Seine 2011, showcases the multiplier power, for the better and for the worse, of individuals or objects when self developed interconnections appear. In "People Connector" exhibited in 2015 at the Galerie Rue Francaise in Paris, illustrates both the links that humankind keeps with its ancestors and the iconic images of its past and the links which are today emerging between the multiple world citizens thanks to the web.

Today, Alexanor 's work is influenced by biodiversity and the genomic revolution."Empty Sea?", exhibited at galerie Art & Liberte, speaks the universal language of aesthetic emotion to deliver a strong message: we must stop overfishing. It is the survival of oceans, and men, which is at stake.

With "Butterflies & their Wings" and through testing digital processes to open up new, more abstract, perceptions, Alexanor brings her own personal and emotional vision of biodiversity by picking a particular pattern in a butterfly wing and closing it up until scales covering the wings are revealed.

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